Scholarships in the College of Liberal Arts
College and Department Scholarships
Use the filtering tools below to explore the scholarships available to students in the College of Liberal Arts.
Prospective students include newly admitted first year or transfer students that are incoming to the University.
Transfer students are defined as a student who has attended a regionally accredited college or university after high school graduation.
Current students encompasses all students actively enrolled in at least one course at CSU.
Student Type
Student level is determined by the number of credit hours completed toward your degree. Undergraduate students are broken into four class levels:
- First year 0-29
- Sophomore 30-59
- Junior 60-89
- Senior 90 and over
Graduate students are defined as students who completed a bachelor’s degree and are now enrolled in a graduate program (master’s or doctoral).
Class Levels
Residency classification is determined at the time of admission to CSU. To qualify for Colorado residency, a student must have permanent and legal residence in the state of Colorado for at least 12 continuous months prior to the first day of classes each semester. More information is available at the Office of Financial Aid.
Resident Status
Scholarships are available on a merit or need basis. Merit scholarships are awarded entirely on a student’s merits, such as academics, test scores, extracurricular activities, etc. Need-based scholarships require that the recipient demonstrate financial need as determined by the office of financial aid. In order to help determine financial need, students should submit a FAFSA or CASFA.
Scholarship Types
Scholarships marked as first generation are exclusively available to students whose parents or guardians have not completed a bachelor's degree.
First Generation
Scholarships that are available to students who are involved in specific centers, programs, or organizations across campus.
Special Interests
Certain scholarships have a minimum GPA requirement for eligibility.