CSU Policies
University policies relevant to academic freedom, free speech, and classroom environment.
- CSU Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual
- Student Conduct Code
- First Amendment: Free Speech on Campus - CSU’s gateway for free speech on campus.
- CSU Policy: Free Speech and Peaceful Assembly
- CSU Policy: Freedom of Expression and Inquiry
- CSU Policy: Inclusive Physical and Virtual Campus
- CSU Policy: Discrimination and Harassment
- CSU Policy: Bullying in the Workplace
Related CSU Events
Regular CSU events addressing equity and inclusion in pedagogy.
- Master Teaching Initiative Workshops – Monthly luncheon featuring CLA faculty discussing pedagogy.
- Symposium for Inclusive Excellence - Annual conference with sessions on a variety of topics related to diversity and inclusion (formerly the Diversity Symposium).
- TILT’s Professional Development Institute – Annual event exploring a variety of topics for the CSU community.
- TILT Summer Conference - Annual conference focusing on teaching, learning, and student success.
Classroom Policies and Syllabi
Resources for setting classroom policies and syllabus language, including for early performance feedback.
Many of these resources are for CLA faculty and staff and can be found on Sharepoint. If you are not a member of CLA, please contact Rosa Martey for the materials.
- CLA Generative AI Guidance Memo – Guidance from CLA on considering generative AI such as ChatGPT in the classroom (PDF).
- TILT Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity – Answers to common questions and concerns around generative AI such as ChatGPT (PDF).
- Attendance Tips and Resources – Guidance from CLA on ways to communicate to students the value of attendance (PDF).
- Attendance Sample Slides.pptx – Sample slides for discussing with students the value of attendance in your classroom
- CLA Syllabus Template.docx –Template for a CSU syllabus with suggested and required classroom policy language (MS Word document).
- Colorado State University Resources – Comprehensive list of resource offices and units all in one place suitable for distribution (PDF).
- Student Disability Center FAQs for CLA – Common questions from CLA members about accommodations for disabilities in the classroom (PDF).
- Early Performance Feedback Faculty Toolkit – Comprehensive guide for CLA faculty to the CSU Early Performance Feedback program, which is part of CSU’s First four Weeks Initiative (PDF).
- CLA Online Education Best Practices – Best practices guide for coordinating, designing, and teaching online courses and programs (PDF).

Self and Community
Resources to address educating yourself and working with your community.
- Inclusive Online Meetings – Suggested practices to center equity in online meetings from CSU’s Office of Inclusive Excellence.
- Continuing Education Resources - Curated articles, resources, and news stories from CSU’s Office of Inclusive Excellence to assist you in your quest to learn more about topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Racial Equity Tools – An online collection of tools for organizations including techniques for working on racial equity outside the classroom such as through community involvement, program evaluation, and information/data collection.
- How to Be an Anti-Racist in Denver – Collection from 2020 of readings, businesses, and organizations to support and join in the Denver area from 303 Magazine

Classroom Best Practices
Rich and extensive collections of readings, guides, and worksheets.
- Inclusive Pedagogy – Collection at CSU’s TILT (The Institute for Learning and Teaching) of discussion, tips, and further reading to support a student-centered approach to teaching that nurtures a community within the classroom, values the unique contributions of all students, and takes into consideration their backgrounds, experiences, and learning needs.
- Equity Toolkit - Collection of classroom exercises, guides, and reports from the Colorado Department of Higher Education with concrete strategies and techniques to help educators become more inclusive practitioners. Draws from evidence-based best practices in three areas: Self-Inquiry, Course Design, and Creating Community.
- Equity Resources for Large Courses - A collections of activities, assignments, guides, and more for equitable teaching in large classrooms.
Course Design
Selected tools for designing an equitable, accessible course and syllabus.
- Teaching Resources for All Delivery Modes - Links to resources for course design and classroom climate for online and residential classrooms from The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) at CSU.
- Understanding by Design - A practical guide based on empirical research for designing the learning experience in courses using “backward design.”
- Accessible Syllabus - Suggestions for the images, text, rhetoric, and policies on your syllabus that are accessible to all students, especially to those with disabilities.
- Thoughtful Syllabus Design – A short guide on developing a learner-centered syllabus, including discussion of the impact of syllabus language style on learning environments.
- Syllabus Rubric - A rubric and user guide to help quantitatively and qualitatively assess how well your syllabus achieves a learning-centered orientation.
Classroom Environment
Strategies and best practices for creating an inclusive and supportive classroom.
- Inclusive Teaching Guide - Comprehensive guide from Columbia University with discussion and concrete teaching strategies for creating an inclusive classroom environment. Includes citations of evidence-based research supporting the strategies.
- Setting the Tone for an Inclusive Classroom - Document summarizing key practices for creating an inclusive classroom environment.
- Multicultural Education in All White Schools/Settings - An article with concrete strategies for developing multicultural education for all or mostly white settings.
- Responding to Trauma in the Classroom - Article with concrete strategies and responses to support students in the classroom from the University of Denver.
- Trauma-Informed Pedagogy - Definitions and principles with examples and further reading from Barnard College.
Addressing Populations
Inclusive teaching guides that detail best practices for specific populations.
- Accessibility by Design – CSU’s site for resources for learning and teaching accessible courses and content for people with disabilities
- Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ Students – A guide for teaching tolerance regarding LGBTQ+ students from the Southern Poverty Law Center (2018)
- Strategies for Teaching International and Multilingual Students – Brief list of best practices for effective teaching of international students
- Teaching Neurodiverse Students – A library guide with books and other resources on best practices for teaching across neurodiversities
- Antiracist Pedagogy Guide: Methods and Challenges – Library guide that provides resources for developing anti-racist pedagogical strategies and syllabi from the University of Southern California Antiracist Pedagogy Collaborative.
- Latinx Student Success – A series of books and presentations on Latinx students in higher education from Excelencia in Education
- Teaching Students with Disabilities – Best practices for creating accessible courses from the University of Chicago
- Interfaith Resources – Books, videos, and documents on teaching interfaith content on college campuses
- Native American Pedagogies – Best practices and key considerations for higher education from the University of Denver

Reading Lists
Lists of recommended books and articles to learn more about equity in education.
- The Research Basis for Equity-Focused Teaching - Brief analysis and extensive list of academic research on the impact of equity-focused teaching strategies.
- Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources - Public Google document that organizes readings, videos, podcasts, social media accounts to follow, and more by stage of learner identity development.
- Education Equity Readings - A list of recommended texts (books, academic articles) on equity in higher education from the Equity Toolkit by the Colorado Dept. of Higher Education.
- University of Denver Anti-racist Library Guide - Organized list of library resources for anti-racist learning and practice specific to anti-Black racism.
- Multiculturalism Matters - A guide (PDF) for media-makers about integrating diverse perspectives into their work, including summaries of and links to terminology glossaries for different identities. Created by CSU’s Dept. of Journalism & Media Communication.

Discussions, interviews, and reporting on and by diverse authors.
- The 1619 Project - Podcast that is part of a New York Times initiative that aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the center of our national narrative.
- Seeing White - Fourteen-part documentary series on the history, meaning, and implications of whiteness.
- Code Switch - Multi-racial, multi-generational team of journalists fascinated by the overlapping themes of race, ethnicity and culture, how they play out in our lives and communities, and how all of this is shifting.
- Yo, Is This Racist? - Hosts respond to listener voicemails with analysis and humor.
- Intersectionality Matters - Interviews and stories about race and intersecting identities from the African American Policy Forum and scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw.
- One from the Vaults - Researched interviews show how the history of trans people is threaded throughout the history of the world.
- Disability Matters - Shares perspectives from business leaders, government officials and disability advocates on how to move the needle on disability employment.
- Breaking Dishes - Discussion-based episodes about disabilities, race, gender, and more.
- The History Chicks - Light and entertaining introduction to some of the fascinating women in history.
- Women at Work - Conversations about the workplace and women’s place in it.