Professional Development

Professional Development

There are many types of equity-focused trainings and workshops held at CLA and across campus through the Office of Inclusive Excellence, TILT, the Graduate School, and others. This page lists some of the equity-oriented workshops offered on a regular basis. There are also frequently one-time workshops and training announced via email, so keep an eye out for those messages.

On-Campus Opportunities

Office of Inclusive Excellence

OIE offers both classroom-style trainings and facilitated conversations for CSU faculty, staff, and graduate students.

The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT)

TILT offers workshops in multiple formats to meet the needs of faculty and graduate teaching assistants, including the popular Master Teacher Initiative.

Other CSU Trainings

National Opportunities

University of Michigan Program on Intergroup Relations

An annual opportunity for higher education professionals (faculty and staff) to learn the philosophy and model of IGR for the purposes of creating dialogue programs on their home campuses.

National Coalition Building Institute

This international leadership organization provides training in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in community organizations, K-12 schools, college and university campuses, corporations and law enforcement.

National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education

An annual conference for diversity and institutional leaders to identity and implement effective strategies to strengthen structural equity on university campuses.