Professional Development
Professional Development
There are many types of equity-focused trainings and workshops held at CLA and across campus through the Office of Inclusive Excellence, TILT, the Graduate School, and others. This page lists some of the equity-oriented workshops offered on a regular basis. There are also frequently one-time workshops and training announced via email, so keep an eye out for those messages.
On-Campus Opportunities
Office of Inclusive Excellence
OIE offers both classroom-style trainings and facilitated conversations for CSU faculty, staff, and graduate students.
OIE offers four longer programs annually you can sign up for:
Creating Inclusive Excellence Certificate
A certificate program with 10 courses from level 1 through 6, offered “a la carte” virtually or in person. CIEP is focused on organizational and interpersonal skills, and does not explicitly address classroom issues. It is offered every year at various times/dates.
Faculty Institute for Inclusive Excellence
A year-long program consisting of six, 3-hour sessions and a subsequent project for faculty members that focuses on inclusive pedagogy, curriculum, and creating community in the classroom. Offered once each year.
Social Justice Leadership Institute
A two day retreat offered to faculty and staff each summer. Participants will explore what it means to infuse diversity and inclusion best practices into the life of a University. Fee: $250. Offered once each year.
Feminist Frameworks Course
An online, two-course program designed to provide personal and professional development opportunities for those interested in learning more about intersectional feminism. Fee: $127; full-time employees may be eligible for a 50% discount.
The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT)
TILT offers workshops in multiple formats to meet the needs of faculty and graduate teaching assistants, including the popular Master Teacher Initiative.
Master Teacher Initiative
Held once a month during the noon hour, Master Teacher Workshops offer the opportunity to participate in an hour-long session that includes a catered lunch, a brief presentation on a central issue in teaching and learning, and a follow-up discussion of ideas addressed in the presentation. Open to faculty, staff, and graduate students.
Teaching Effectiveness Initiative
A faculty development program established in 2021 that provides recognition to instructors invested in growing their teaching practice. Participants can earn a Certificate of Achievement in each of the seven domains. Qualifying experiences include on- and off-campus courses, workshops, and events. Open to faculty only.
Courses and Workshops
Courses offered in various modes – online, in-person, and hybrid - that includes asynchronous content aimed at providing opportunities to learn research-based instructional approaches, apply these approaches in class, and reflect with colleagues on the outcomes. Includes a 1-hour workshop and a 12-hour asynchronous online course on inclusive pedagogy. Open to faculty, staff, and graduate students.
Professional Development Institute
Annual multi-day conference with sessions on a range of topics related to pedagogy, equity, and inclusion. Open to faculty, staff, and students.
Teaching Squares Peer Observation
Offers teaching faculty an opportunity to observe colleagues in action and reflect on their own teaching practices in 16 hours over 15 weeks. A teaching square is a group of four instructors who agree to observe each other a few times during a semester, using an agreed upon set of observation norms. Participants are coached in setting a personal teaching goal using the Teaching Effectiveness Framework and then observe others to give feedback and reflect on their own practice. The program is designed to be a non-evaluative, supportive and growth-based process. Can be requested by departments.
Department Action Teams
A facilitated working group of 4 to 8 faculty, staff, and/or students, created by a department, to create sustainable change around a broad-scale issue related to undergraduate education and to become change agents in their department. Can be requested by departments.
Graduate Student Training
Strategies for graduate student to enhance their teaching, learning, academic integrity, assessment, and a review of GTA responsibilities and expectations.
Other CSU Trainings
Graduate School Mentoring
Workshops and trainings to discuss mentoring practices and relationships, including the Graduate Center for Inclusive Mentoring Mentor Well Faculty Certificate training series.
Talent Development Trainings
Various training in different areas of leadership, supervision, and organizational success for employees, including courses “Appreciative Inquiry,” focused on improving workplace climate and “Positive Psychology,” focused on workplace happiness and empathy.
National Opportunities
University of Michigan Program on Intergroup Relations
An annual opportunity for higher education professionals (faculty and staff) to learn the philosophy and model of IGR for the purposes of creating dialogue programs on their home campuses.
National Coalition Building Institute
This international leadership organization provides training in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in community organizations, K-12 schools, college and university campuses, corporations and law enforcement.
National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education
An annual conference for diversity and institutional leaders to identity and implement effective strategies to strengthen structural equity on university campuses.