Great Conversations: CSU faculty explore rigor and imagination, value of liberal arts

The panelists for the Great Conversations Kickoff represent three distinct disciplines of the Liberal Arts. Madeline Harvey is an assistant professor of dance; Sammy Zahran is an assistant professor of economics, and Dan Beachy-Quick is a professor of English. Each presenter opened with a statement that revealed their individual perspectives about what makes the liberal arts valuable.

Opera takes a look: The continued relevancy of the Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice

Whether consciously recognized or not, the Greek myth of Orpheus has permeated visual and performing art forms across ancient and popular culture. From classical literature to Arcade Fire’s 2013 release, Reflektor, the story of Orpheus and Eurydice has been told and retold throughout the ages, including the presentation of the beautiful opera by the Ralph […]

Social Justice Thru the Arts institute introduces high school students to ‘artivism’

The Social Justice Thru the Arts (SJTA) institute brought students from Alliance high schools to campus for a week to learn about issues of gender equity, belonging, access, and justice through hands-on learning with CSU faculty, CSU student mentors, and renowned mural artist Rose Jaffe.

CSU music professors perform their first concert as a new duo

—By Emily Kaiser, UCA Publicity Intern Colorado State University music professors Michelle Stanley and Jeff LaQuatra, also known as the Quatra Duo, are debuting two new pieces at their upcoming Virtuosos Series Concert, Something New: Music for Flute – Stanley on flute, LaQuatra on guitar. The performance takes place on Monday, Oct. 22 at 7:30 […]

Joel Bacon Concert celebrates organ’s 50th anniversary

On his concert celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Casavant Organ, Colorado State University’s Professor of Organ Joel Bacon performs selected pieces from the organ’s 1968 debut concert program. The anniversary concert is on Monday, Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the University Center for the Arts. “CSU’s Casavant organ is a remarkable instrument — […]

RBG scholarship earns Gibson outstanding book award

The Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender has awarded Associate Professor Katie Gibson its 2018 Outstanding Book Award for Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Legacy of Dissent: Feminist Rhetoric and the Law, published last March. Gibson received the award Saturday, October 6, at the organization’s 41st annual conference held in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada.