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Community Meet & Greet: Dr. Graziana Ciola

The CSU Department of Philosophy invites our local faith and secular community members to join us for a Meet & Greet with each of the four finalists for the Willette Professorship in Catholic Studies. All engagement events will be held in the Seminar Room of the Smith Alumni Center (701 W. Pitkin St, Canvas Stadium).

On Thursday, April 7, we welcome Dr. Graziana Ciola, Radboud Excellence Initiative Fellow, Center for the History of Philosophy and Science, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Dr. Ciola has previously held post-doctoral fellowships at Durham University (UK) and UCLA. The focus of her research, teaching, and published work lies in Medieval philosophy and the history and philosophy of logic. She has a particular interest in 12th- and 14th-century logic and theories of prophetic knowledge, and has written on the French scholastic theologian Gilbert of Poitiers, the Franciscan alchemist John of Rupescissa, and the Dutch Scholastic Marsilius of Inghen.

Dr. Ciola has been a longtime advocate of interdisciplinary and educational outreach, including authoring a regular column in The Reasoner, a public facing educational resource. She has offered a wide range of public talks and supported a number of outreach activities, and looks forward to engaging with the community on ways in which the medieval use of “true fakes” or “true lies” can tell us about contemporary “fake news.”

Event contact: kenneth.shockley@colostate.edu


3:30 pm - 5:00 pm


Stadium Alumni Center Seminar Room 2
701 W Pitkin St, Fort Collins, CO, 80521

Event Type