Because of our easily accessible location on the northwest side of Clark C, we in the dean’s office, get a lot of different questions. From "When is commencement?" to "Where is Clark B?".
Our front office staff are happy to answer all of the questions, but we do more than direct people to where they want to go. The dean’s office facilitates the functions and goals of the College at large.
The primary role of the dean’s office is to direct a 21st century liberal arts education through learning, scholarship, and engagement.
To accomplish that, the dean's office:
Provides strategic direction
to the departments and units
within the College
Supports the College's
people and programs
Assists in the daily
function of the College
The core activities of the dean's office
Learning, scholarship, and engagement in the classroom and beyond.
The dean's office leadership team
is responsible for:
- Strategic direction of the college
- Oversight of departments and units
- Leads Council of Chairs
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs
is responsible for:
- Grants and funding
- Graduate academic programs
- Graduate student issues
- Research and artistry tracking, representation, and committee work
- Leads Graduate Coordinators Council and Graduate Student Council
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
is responsible for:
- Faculty recruitment and professional development
- Tenure, promotion, and evaluation
- Equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives
- Strategic planning
- Facilities and spaces
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies
is responsible for:
- Undergraduate academic programs
- Undergraduate student issues
- Education Abroad
- Leads Undergraduate Coordinators Council and Curriculum Committee
Assistant Dean for Student Success
is responsible for:
- CCA faculty development
- Diversity and inclusion initiatives
- Career education
- Academic Support Center
- Leads NTTF Advisory Committee
Faculty Coordinator of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
is responsible for:
- Diversity and inclusion initiatives
- Leads Equity Advocacy Committee
If you need assistance or support, please contact us.
Click the + to see the contact person.