
  • Office Hours:

    Monday 12-1:30 or by appointment
  • Role:

    Graduate Student
  • Department:

    • Journalism & Media Communication
  • Education:

    • M.A. in Communication Studies


Kibum is a Master’s student and Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Media in Society course at C.S.U. Youn earned his M.A. in Communication Studies at SungKyunKwan University in Korea in 2016 and earned a B.A. in Communication and a B.A. in Business Administration as a double major at Myongji University in 2014. Kibum’s goal for graduate school is to further develop his research and his teaching skills which he believes will play a vital role in his growth as a researcher and an academic. With this experience, he will be one step closer to his long-term goal of entering a Ph.D. program. Kibum is interested in Health Communication and plans to study health campaign tactics that cause positive behavior changes and he would like to study how successful health communication strategies can be implemented in different cultural contexts.