Ph.D. Candidate/Graduate Teaching Assistant


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  • Role:

    Graduate Student
  • Position:

    • Ph.D. Candidate/Graduate Teaching Assistant
    • Graduate Research Assistant
  • Concentration:

    • International Relations
    • Comparative Politics
    • Environmental Politics and Policy
  • Department:

    • Political Science
  • Education:

    • PhD in Political Science


Iren Marinova is a PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department. Iren’s research encompasses the study of the European Union and its roles in global politics, as well as topics in security, geopolitics, and Transatlantic relations. She is currently studying the EU’s foreign policy ambitions formation with an emphasis on climate change and security policies. She looks at the external and internal relations that comprise the EU and influence the entity's foreign policy goals.

Iren's teaching portfolio includes classes in International Relations, International Security, and Comparative Politics.

Iren has also been a part of a research team at CSU working on a project funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and studying the effects and opportunity costs of US foreign policy on local communities in the United States.

Iren earned her Bachelor's degree in Political Science and her Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Louisiana at Monroe before coming to Colorado. She graduated with her Master’s degree in Political Science from CSU in 2019. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, exploring new places, and spending time with friends and family.


Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Iren Marinova and Gabriella Gricius, "The Arctic Potential: Cutting the Gordian Knot of EU–Russia Relations?", European Security, (2024).

Peter Harris, Iren Marinova, and Gabriella Gricius, "War in Ukraine in a Polarised America", LSE Public Policy Review, 3(1), (2023).

Iren Marinova, "The EU at a Strategic Crossroads: A Geopolitical Player in Great Power Games?", European Foreign Affairs Review, 28(2),  pp. 117-140. (2023).

Peter Harris and Iren Marinova, "American Primacy and US–China Relations: The Cold War Analogy Reversed," (Editor's Choice), Chinese Journal of International Politics, 15(4), pp. 335-351. (2022).

Policy-Oriented and Other Publications:

Iren Marinova, "The winter of change: a breaking or breakthrough moment for the EU?" The Loop-ECPR (November 15, 2022).

Iren Marinova, “Europe’s security and defense hour is here, and the longevity of the European Union depends on it.” European Leadership Network (ELN) (March 31, 2022).

Iren Marinova, "Recap: Making sense of the Russian invasion of Ukraine." CSU Source (March 16, 2022).

Book Reviews:

Iren Marinova, Review of The Dynamics of Russia’s Geopolitics: Remaking the Global Order, by David Oualaalou, Europe-Asia Studies, 75(1), pp.161-162. (2023).