Research Associate, Center for Biomedical Research in Music


  • Role:

  • Position:

    • Research Associate, Center for Biomedical Research in Music
  • Concentration:

    • Music Therapy


Gary Kenyon is Senior Research Associate at the Center for Biomedical Research in Music. His undergraduate training at the University of Michigan was in mechanical engineering and education. His graduate work at CSU was in applied mathematics, with a specialization in the biomechanics of human movement. His research involving hand function has been published in Medical Problems of Performing Artists and Acoustic Musician, and his work at CBRM has appeared in the Journal of Biomechanics, Human Movement Science, and other journals, and in chapter 5 of Rhythm, Music, and the Brain, by Michael Thaut.

He currently teaches a course in laboratory methods of music therapy research, and has taught mathematics and physics at the high school and college levels. His personal research into hand function continues on acoustic and electric guitars.