First European ‘Energy Transitions’ education abroad program a success

Story by Amanda Martinek. Originally posted on SOURCE. This summer, six Colorado State University undergraduate students from various disciplines – English education, engineering and economics – sought to understand how transitioning to renewable energy is as much a question about culture as it is about technology. They participated in the CSU Energy Institute’s first education […]

Husband-and-wife instructors chronicle pregnancy journey through dance, film

Article originally published in Source.    It’s not obvious what the dancer sees in the distance, but there is a glimmer in her eyes as she leaps and twists and twirls. A flutter, a kick, then a new companion joins her, gliding in to meet her stage right. They ebb and flow together, lifting each […]

Stephen Brackett (’06): Educator, Activist, Artist

In any given week, Brackett (Philosophy, ’06) says he may be speaking at four or five different public schools, giving a music workshop, sitting on a mayor-appointed arts council, working on new music tracks, mentoring young musicians, showing up at a protest, and training activists on how to do the work better. Member and emcee of the hip hop and rock band the Flobots, Brackett helped found and is on the board of Youth on Record, a nonprofit that uses music education to help underprivileged kids in Denver.