Ram Walk — nearly 500 feet of Ram pride that connects CSU’s game day campus showcase — celebrates the CSU experience and its community of learners, educators, staff and alumni. Stretching from Canvas Stadium to the great green fields at the heart of campus, Ram Walk embodies CSU’s mission of service, learning, research, and outreach and unifies CSU’s game day experience the best of CSU that will be on display this fall. Read more about the creation of this year’s Ram Walk.
Cohen Explores the Power of Dance in West Africa in New Book In Infinite Repertoire, Anthropology Professor Adrienne Cohen weaves her insight as both ethnographer and dancer to examine how young women in Guinea are flexing new rights and roles through dance August 9, 2022 Josh Zaffos Smiling young men in plastic patio chairs play […]
Nearly 200 volunteers took part in CSU’s signature outreach effort to provide backpacks filled with school supplies to Poudre School District students.
Like many students who double major, Henry Ives chose one program out of passion – music – and the other out of practicality – computer science. With time, however, those lines blurred.
Review by Emily Zeek For the art majors in the graduating class of 2022, it’s the end of a several years-long journey of artistic practice and scholarship at Colorado State University’s Department of Art and Art History. Student work by these graduates is currently assembled in the white cube Hatton Gallery in the Visual Arts […]
The first passion of Blake Welch (B.F.A., ’85) was drawing and painting, but it took a moment of clarity and the courage to walk away from a thriving business to return to his creative roots and begin teaching what he had learned along the way.
Gallery Director Silvia Minguzzi describes the Juried BFA Exhibition 2022 and the pieces displayed as the “best” work of the class of 2022, as chosen by local artists Anthony Guntren, sculptor, and Kris Barz Mendonça, illustrator.
Stephan Weiler, a professor of economics at CSU, said although the U.S. GDP has shrank for two quarters in a row, think before using the term “recession.”
Colorado State University Associate Professor Katie Abrams discusses how the right message – and the right photo op – can help influence our behavior out in the wild.