Interdisciplinary Faculty Mentoring for CCAF

The College of Liberal Arts recognizes the profound impact that continuing, contract, and adjunct faculty (CCAF) have in the College of Liberal Arts and the larger University. To provide the necessary support for the growing number of faculty who are pursuing long-term career paths at CSU, the college has developed an interdisciplinary peer mentoring program.

The benefits of mentoring include:

CCAF Mentee

Retention, belonging, support for annual evaluation, onboarding, and the promotion process

CCAF Mentor

Community engagement, service, and the opportunity to reflect on and further develop one’s own teaching skills


Higher quality of instruction and increased department community


Flourishes in undergraduate teaching mission


More stable and better supported faculty

Chairs, Assistant Chairs & Program Directors

Unburdened from the responsibility

Additional Resources for Mentoring

This Faculty Mentoring Toolkit includes all the major documents that faculty will need to implement and run a successful mentoring program in their department. Please click on the links below to access the following documents.

All resources adapted from Tom Conway’s Mentoring Resources used in the Department of English, Colorado State University