Find internships by talking to your professors, meeting with the Career Center representatives, or using Handshake, the online internship and job site.
Internships, Research, & Jobs
Internship examples include:
- Social Media Intern
- Procurement Intern
- Graphic Design Intern
- Quality Assurance Intern
- Congressional Intern
- Communications Intern
- Global Service Intern
- Marketing Intern
- Development Intern
- Leading environmental advancement fellow
You've probably heard a lot from the teachers and mentors in your life about the importance of internships - and, no surprise, they're right. An internship positions you well to future employers: it shows them you know what it's like to work in an office or in the field, you've experienced collaboration and teamwork, you've managed projects, and taken feedback. An internship not only teaches you skills particular to the work you're doing, but also improves your communication skills and professionalism. And, sometimes, internships give you insight into what you don't want to do for full-time employment.
High-Impact, Applied Learning Practices Increase Hiring Potential
Internships & Apprenticeships
93% of executives and 94% of hiring managers have reported that they would be more likely to hire a recent grad who held an internship or an apprenticeship with a company or organization. 52% of executives and 60% of hiring managers report that they are much more likely to do so.
Apply knowledge and skills and real-world settings
76% of executives
& 87% of hiring managers rate the ability to apply knowledge and skills in real world settings is VERY IMPORTANT and yet only 33% and 39% think that recent graduates are well prepared to show real world skills.
Experience counts
Executives & hiring managers are more likely to hire employees with experiences such as: internships with a company/organization, multiple courses that requires significant writing assignments, collaborative research projects, advanced senior project/thesis, field based project in a diverse community, service learning projects with community organization, and participation in a study abroad program.
Jobs on Campus
By having a job - either off campus or on - you're learning important workplace skills and you're making connections that can serve you well after you graduate and are looking for full-time employment.
Rocky Mountain Student Media
Don't miss out on journalism, radio, and TV experience at Rocky Mountain Student Media, where they offer a wide array of media options, from The Rocky Mountain Collegian student-run newspaper to KCSU radio station, and much more!
Research, Outreach, and Engagement
Whether you're conducting traditional research by measuring dig points, collecting qualitative health data from disaster sites, facilitating public deliberation, or teaching literacy skills, this kind of hands-on learning is integral to the CLA and CSU.
CURC (Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity)
CURC, pronounced "sirk," is a great way to put your work out there for others to see and engage with. The showcase includes a poster exhibition, writing competition, and art exhibition, all ending in an awards ceremony and cash prizes. In addition to CURC, students can participate in MURALS (Multicultural Undergraduate Research, Art and Leadership Symposium) and JUR (Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Excellence).
Capstones, Internships, and Student Teaching!
As a liberal arts student, you'll get a chance to apply the skills and knowledge you learned in your degree program in your final semesters either with a capstone class, internship, or student teaching. It caps off your undergraduate education and gives you concrete examples to bring to job or graduate school interviews.
The College has a variety of research centers and institutes where students can learn, engage, and make a difference