College of Liberal Arts NTTF Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2024
Item | Type of Action | Decision Required |
A. Approval of minutes from 2/14/2022 meeting | Vote | Yes |
B. Ellie Light: Dean’s Office update | Info-Sharing | No |
C. Tom Conway: CoNTTF updates | Info-Sharing | No |
D. Department Equity Toolkit | Discussion | no |
E. Wrap-up and adjourn | N/A | N/A |
Members present: Eli Alberts, Niroj Bhattaraj, Keri Canada (Non-Faculty Teaching Rep), Thomas Conway, Dan Goble (Chairs Rep), Sadie Kinney-McGrath, Megan Lanz, Ellie Light, Gregory Luft (TTF Rep), Layla Malander, Gina Robinson, Emily Wilson, Amanda Wright
Additional faculty present: Aly Welker, Denise Apodaca, Margaret Miller, James “Pigeon” Fielder, Elena Windsong
Members absent: Frankie Wilcox (teaching during this hour), Emily Wilson
Meeting notes:
Meeting Began – 10:01 AM
A. Approval of Minutes from 2/14/2024 Meeting
Motion: Megan
Second: Annie
Minutes approved unanimously.
B. Dean’s Office Updates – Ellie Light
- Dean’s search is underway – the position has been posted
- This is a national search, and internal candidates are encouraged to apply. There is no firm publicizing this search, so spread this by word of mouth if you know of people who might be interested.
- Sadie: Date for CLA CCAF AC committee elections to close will be this Friday, March 1. We need nominees to continue to apply. We need an Arts/Art History representative.
- Our meetings will likely be on a Tuesday or Thursday from 4 – 5PM.
- Interdisciplinary Mentoring is going well. There are about 30 CCAF involved.
- Anyone interested in joining for next year can submit their information via this survey, here:
- March 19, 4 – 5PM CCAF Promotion Meeting for anyone preparing for promotion.
- Information will be sent to CCAF soon.
C. CoNTTF Updates – Tom Conway
- This is Tom’s last semester as the CoNTTF representative. His position will be open after this semester.
- Representative is required to attend Faculty Council Meetings (first Tuesday of every month, 4 – 6:30PM)
- Ongoing discussion re: 5-year contracts. These are being delayed/stagnated, and we are continuing to keep the conversation going re: these contracts.
- Eli Alberts mentioned that CU Boulder has started to implement these 5-year contracts and asked why CSU is not yet implementing these. The contracts are held up at CSU due to the university still considering how to implement. Eli will talk with his colleague at CU Boulder to see what other information she might have to share with us regarding their process.
- Dan Goble: The code changes did include newly formed tracks (Teaching Professor, etc.) in MTD per the faculty manual, but the differences include:
- The individual department is required to cover research and creativity. Any kind of research or creative work must be directly associated with teaching, per Ben Withers. (This was confirmed by Gregory Luft, as well.)
- Departments wishing to include tracks need to revisit their code. Code revisions are taking a long time to get through upper administration because of transitions between personnel.
- Tom Conway: The English Department has only 3 (of 60) CCAF on the professor track. This is not a common track to be assigned within departments.
- CoNTTF is currently discussing mentoring and onboarding with the goal of ensuring these are consistent across colleges and departments.
- CoNTTF is looking at where mentoring and onboarding is and is not happening, as well as what it looks like in various units.
- The goal is to find more consistency and opportunity in these areas.
- The CLA is out in front of this conversation and will be sharing our current practices with other colleges and departments.
- The Workload Equity Committee has a CoNTTF representative and they work to support chairs and leaders of units address workload equity within their units.
D. Department Equity Toolkit discussion
- This project does not have a finalized name yet. (It is a work in progress.)
- Annie and Ellie will be taking these ideas to Council of Chairs meeting on Friday, April 19th in LSC 322. They are being given 20 minutes of that meeting in which to present this project and are welcoming a group of committee members to attend with them.
- Our group brainstorming via Jamboard collected many concerns and requests regarding space and technology, onboarding, promotion and professional development, department governance, contracts, and service load compensation. We will continue to work on developing this project with the concerns people raised in mind.
E. Wrap-Up Meeting & Adjourn – 10:52 AM
This committee’s next meeting will be Wednesday, March 27 at 10 AM, since Spring Break falls on what would be a meeting day.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Megan Lanz