24 hours of fame: Sábado Warhol coming to UCA Nov. 10
The Gregory Allicar Museum of Art is hosting an all-day event around the art of Andy Warhol.
The Gregory Allicar Museum of Art is hosting an all-day event around the art of Andy Warhol.
For Alicia Varga, being the first in her family to go to college was not an easy journey. Varga had to learn how to navigate university life in a different city without familial advice or experience. Due to her powerful resiliency and perseverance as a first-generation student, she learned the tools and resources needed to help her become successful despite the added challenges she faced.
The panelists for the Great Conversations Kickoff represent three distinct disciplines of the Liberal Arts. Madeline Harvey is an assistant professor of dance; Sammy Zahran is an assistant professor of economics, and Dan Beachy-Quick is a professor of English. Each presenter opened with a statement that revealed their individual perspectives about what makes the liberal arts valuable.
The Center for Public Deliberation has received a national “Civvy” award for being an example of collaborative work that elevates democracy and civic engagement.
Thanks to the generosity of alumni, faculty and staff, and friends, $8.4 million has been raised in support of College of Liberal Arts scholarships, impacting CSU’s $1 billion fundraising goal early, but more importantly, impacting the lives of countless students.
The Social Justice Thru the Arts (SJTA) institute brought students from Alliance high schools to campus for a week to learn about issues of gender equity, belonging, access, and justice through hands-on learning with CSU faculty, CSU student mentors, and renowned mural artist Rose Jaffe.
Four students from the College of Liberal Arts participated in a unique internship opportunity with the CSU Extension program this summer. Each intern experienced hands-on training and research in different counties across Colorado focusing on issues troubling the community.
The Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender has awarded Associate Professor Katie Gibson its 2018 Outstanding Book Award for Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Legacy of Dissent: Feminist Rhetoric and the Law, published last March. Gibson received the award Saturday, October 6, at the organization’s 41st annual conference held in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
The High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health and Safety, which works with the agriculture, forestry and fishing industries, hosted a research day to share information on emerging issues, immunology, engineering, economics, and anthropology.
While students are embracing a new chapter in their lives, many College of Liberal Arts departments and programs are welcoming change as well with new department chairs and program directors.