Associate Professor
- Associate Professor
- Organizational Communication
- Critical, Feminist, Decolonial Perpectives
- Career, entrepreneurial organizing, workplace mentoring, resilience, organizational resistance and control
- Communication Studies
- Ph.D., Purdue University
- M.A., Purdue University
- B.A., Communication University of China
Curriculum Vitae:
Dr. Ziyu Long (PhD, Purdue University) is an associate professor of Organizational Communication in the Department of Communication Studies at Colorado State University. Dr.Long’s research focuses on career, entrepreneurship, mentoring, and workplace resistance and resilience. Her work has been published in outlets such as Management Communication Quarterly, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Gender, Work & Organization, International Journal of Business Communication and so on. Dr. Long teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in organizational communication, critical and intersectional perspectives to career, communication theory, and mixed and qualitative research methods. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking, skiing, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.
Please find Dr. Long's full list of publications here
Recent publications:
- Long, Z., Buzzanell, P. M., & King, A. S. (2024). International graduate student parenthood: Engaging in closeting labor to constitute productive work-family negotiation during transitions to parenthood. Communication Studies.
- Long, Z., Marshall-McKelvey, K., & Matter, M. (2024). Material precarity, performative imperative, and burnout from resilience: Surfacing the dark side of resilience laboring in women’s entrepreneurial stories. Journal of Applied Communication Research.
- Kang, D.J. & Long, Z. (2023) Equal authorship. Organizing as Tong (通): Decolonizing organizational communication from the roots. Management Communication Quarterly.
- Long, Z., Buzzanell, P. M., & King, A. S. (2023). Pivoting multiple liminalities in working parenthood: Communicative negotiations of permanent, transitional, and limbo liminalities. Management Communication Quarterly, 37 (2),
- Wilhoit Larson, E., Linabary, J. R., & Long, Z. (2022). Communicating inclusion: A review and research agenda on inclusion research in organizational communication. Annals of the International Communication Association, 46 (2), 63-90.
- Pal, M., Kim, H., Harris, K. L., Long, Z., Linabary, J., Wilhoit Larson, E., Jensen, P.R., Gist-Mackey, A.R., McDonald, J., Nieto-Fernandez, B., Jiang, J., Misra. S., & Dempsey, S. E. (2022). Decolonizing organizational communication. Management Communication Quarterly, 36 (3), 547–577.
- Long, Z., & Buzzanell, P. M. (2022). Constituting intersectional politics of reinscription: Women entrepreneurs’ resistance practices in China, Denmark, and the United States. Management Communication Quarterly, 36 (2), 207–234. Lead article
SPCM 433: Communication in Organizations
SPCM232: Group Communication
SPCM 638: Communication Research Methods
SPCM 701: Academic Writing
SPCM 792: The Dark Side of Organizational Communication