Associate Professor of Music


  • Role:

  • Position:

    • Associate Professor of Music
    • Internship Coordinator
  • Concentration:

    • Music Therapy
  • Department:

    • Music
  • Education:

    • Ph.D.- Music Therapy, University of Iowa
    • Master of Arts (M.A.)- Music Therapy, University of Iowa
    • Bachelor of Music (B.M.) - Music Therapy, Colorado State University


Dr. Lindsey Wilhelm holds degrees from the University of Iowa (M.A. in Music, Music Therapy; Ph.D. with Music Therapy emphasis) and Colorado State University (B.M. in Music, Music Therapy). A board-certified music therapist since 2007, Dr. Wilhelm has worked with both children and adults in a variety of community, educational, rehabilitative, and medical settings. As a member of the American Music Therapy Association, Dr. Wilhelm serves as archivist for the American Music Therapy Association. Her current research areas and interests include how music and music-based approaches can support aging adults’ lived well-being; and music therapy student education and clinical training. More specifically Dr. Wilhelm is engaged in research related to music therapy for care partners and aging adults with neurologic conditions, the accessibility of music experiences for aging adults, music-based companionship in community settings, and music therapy students’ self-care practices.

At CSU, Dr. Wilhelm teaches undergraduate and graduate coursework in Music Therapy. Dr. Wilhelm was a 2020 recipient of the Exceptional Achievement in Service-Learning Instructional Innovation Award .

Dr. Wilhelm has publications in the Journal of Music Therapy, Music and Medicine, Approaches – An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy, and the Canadian Journal of Music Therapy. She co-authored two chapters in Music Therapy: An Introduction to the Profession and currently serves as a member of the Music Therapy Perspectives editorial board.

Dr. Wilhelm was the 2020 recipient of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium’s Engaged Scholarship Research/Creative Activities grant for a project entitled “Music Companionship Visits to Address Perceived Loneliness and Isolation in Community-Dwelling Older Adults” in partnership with the Caring Companin Program at Volunteers of American in Northern Colorado. As a member of the Enriched Environments for the Healthy, Aging Brainresearch team, Dr. Wilhelm has been a co-investigator and participated in projects funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Larimer County Office on Aging, and the Catalyst for Innovative Partnerships Grant at Colorado State University.