A Lifetime of Empowering Communicators: Celebrating Carl Burgchardt’s Legacy

For 42 years, Carl Burgchardt has dedicated himself to inspiring students through his teaching expertise in rhetoric, public speaking, and film studies in the Department of Communication Studies at Colorado State University. His dedication stemmed from a profound passion for empowering students to reach their potential. The ability to witness their growth brought him immense […]

An International Perspective: Faculty Donors Support Students Becoming Global Citizens

Emeriti faculty Jim Boyd and Sue Ellen Markey embody the term “global citizen.” Having lived, worked, and studied in countries around the world, these two embrace and advocate for students to enter another worldview through the establishment of a new scholarship. 

Fascinating and full of enthusiasm: Alumna and husband give $1M in honor of emeritus English professor

Linda Randall (’68) and her husband, Gerald Hazelbauer, both professors emeriti of biochemistry at the University of Missouri, have given a $1M bequest and annual cash support to the English department via the Marty Bucco Award for Creative Teaching & Scholarship fund.