Graduate student India Luxton received an Education Abroad Curriculum Integration Support Grant to travel to Costa Rica this winter. She has been funded to conduct a program evaluation of CSU’s Costa Rica Sustainable Buildings course (CON 450) to investigate the learning practices of an education abroad course and student reported impacts on learning, as well as deepen our understanding of how education abroad programs enhance short term and long term student success. Goals include: 1) identify best practices of education abroad programs, 2) capture the interconnected nature of student learning networks and course facilitation, and 3) understand how education abroad programs enhance short term and long term student success and foster high-impact learning.

The CSU Construction Management Program CON 450: Travel Abroad-Sustainable Building course teaches major components of sustainable design and construction, energy, healthy buildings, natural resources and other environmental issues.

CSU’s Office of International Programs – Education Abroad offers this grant program to support activities that strengthen relationships with CSU’s institutional partners abroad or to develop the necessary contacts/expertise for new education abroad program development.