Senior Instructor


  • Role:

  • Position:

    • Senior Instructor
  • Concentration:

    • ancient and medieval philosophy
    • history of philosophy
    • continental philosophy
  • Department:

    • Academic Support Center and Philosophy
  • Education:

    • Ph.D. in Philosophy


Dr. Paul DiRado received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Kentucky in 2015. His specialization is Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, particularly Plato and the Platonic tradition. Paul teaches classes throughout the history of philosophy at CSU, including Medieval Philosophy and 19th Century Philosophy. He also teaches course in Philosophy of Religion, Phenomenology and Existentialism, and Philosophy and Science Fiction. Paul is passionate about teachings, and encourages students to come speak with him whenever he would like!


"In What Sense Does the One Exist? Existence and Hypostasis in Plotinus." Cowritten with Michael Wiitala. Platonic Pathways: Selected Papers from the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies. 2018, pp. 77-92.

"Cephalus, Myth of Er, and Remaining Virtuous in Unvirtuous Times." Journal of the International Plato Society 14 (2014), pp. 63-84.

"Judgment and Perception in Plato's Theaetetus." Dissertation. University of Kentucky, 2015.

Rabbit's Feet, Hatches, and Monsters: Mysteries vs. Questions in J.J. Abrams' Stories." The Philosophy of J.J. Abrams (The Philosophy of Popular Culture). Ed. Patricia Brace and Robert Arp. University Press of Kentucky, 2014.