PhD Candidate


  • Role:

    Graduate Student
  • Position:

    • PhD Candidate
    • Graduate Teaching Instructor
  • Department:

    • Economics


I'm a current Ph.D. candidate at Colorado State University, and an instructor at the Colorado School of Mines. My current research focuses on topics in applied microeconomics including: labor economics, public economics, and health economics. My research focuses on the impact of social media on labor market outcomes and the effect of community level events on health outcomes. I am also passionate about teaching. I've taught Gender in the Economy, Intermediate Econometrics, Introduction to Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, and Intermediate Macroeconomics. I also do research that analyzes the impact of teaching pedagogy on student retention in economics, with a focus on underrepresented students. For fun I like to travel and spend time outside hiking and running. I also love to visit my family in San Diego, CA.