Graduate Teaching Assistant
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Graduate StudentPosition:
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Environmental Politics and Policy
- Public Administration and Policy
- Political Science
- Master of Arts Political Science
Sidra (she/her/hers) is a first-year M.A. student studying Environmental Policy and Politics & Public Administration and Public Policy. She received her B.A. in Political Science and B.S. in Business Administration from Colorado State University in 2021. Throughout undergraduate, she utilized internships and work experiences to find an interest in Just Transitions and how the concept might be applied to local communities in Colorado. She hopes to continue her research on Just Transitions within Colorado and use that knowledge in the future to work for local Colorado governments. Sidra’s academic interests include Just Transitions, social justice, environmental justice, and community engagement. Outside of academics, she is an avid cyclist and had competed for 4 years in mountain biking for CSU Cycling.