PhD Student


  • Office Hours:

    Wednesdays 1:00-2:00
  • Role:

    Graduate Student
  • Position:

    • PhD Student
  • Department:

    • Journalism & Media Communication


Leah Stone is an entrepreneur, researcher, and educator. She owns several businesses, from a global online vocal studio teaching singing and songwriting, to a real estate investment and remodeling company, to a charity event organizing a yearly 5K fundraiser for clubfoot awareness.

Her research interests include how technology effects innovation and entrepreneurship in arts organizations and female owned businesses.  Stone has a Master of Arts in Arts Management and a Graduate Certificate in Public Relations and Marketing in the Arts. She is committed to completing her PhD in Public Communication and Technology and finds value in research and education. Stone has a strong desire to become a tenured faculty member and carry out research and instruction in the field of communication and technology.