Graduate Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant


  • Office Hours:

    Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30pm to 2:00pm
  • Role:

    Graduate Student
  • Position:

    • Graduate Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant
  • Concentration:

    • Political Sociology, Social Stratification
  • Education:

    • B.S. in Sociology: Missouri State University
  • Curriculum Vitae:


Jamie is a Master's student who's interests include Political Sociology, Social Stratification, Political Economy, and Community Studies. Her past research has focused on vulnerable populations and service learning in higher education, and her thesis is an examination of electoral political polarization in the United States, with a focus on the methodological tools available for the study of polarization, consensus, and dissensus.


Woods, Leah, Jamie Willis, D.C. Wright, and Tim Knapp. 2013. Building Community Engagement in Higher Education: Public Sociology at Missouri State University. Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education (Vol. 3).

Willis, Jamie and Tim Knapp. 2012 Survey of Springfield’s High Risk and Homeless Youth: Connecting the Dots. Community Partnership of the Ozarks. Homeless Youth Subcommittee. < /9/7/4/0/9740264/hrhy_survey_report_final_11-02-2012.pdf>