
  • Role:

    Graduate Student
  • Department:

    • Journalism & Media Communication


Weston Dockter graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2013. During hisundergraduate career he studied professional journalism, which led him to focus onbroadcast journalism. His experience with video production and post-production editinglanded him jobs with notable broadcast companies including the Big Ten Network andPerfect Storm Broadcasting.

After accepting an offer to study and teach journalism at Colorado State University,Weston knew it was a great platform to pursue his goal of having a better understandingof broadcast journalism and the power of presentation. He hopes to continue refininghis skills in the field through class work and assisting with Ram Productions. His currentresearch interest relates to the effectiveness of media and how the exact same messagecan be received differently depending on how it is presented. After receiving his masters,Weston plans on continuing his education at the doctoral level and his ultimate career goalis to become a professor.