Post Doctoral Researcher
- Post Doctoral Researcher
- Development Economics
- Gender Economics
- Climate change and disaster risk management
- Economics
- PhD Economics, University of Utah
Curriculum Vitae:
I am a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Economics at Colorado State University, Fort Collins. After receiving my PhD in Economics from University of Utah in 2016, I worked as Gender Economist at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security program (CCAFS) of the CGIAR.
My current research focuses on the relationship between macro policy and gender disparities in access to decent work in Latin America. I have also conducted research examining gendered time poverty and its impact on household income and resilience to climate change, and gender-based constraints to adoption of climate-smart practices. The geographical focus of my work is in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa.
Besides research, I have worked with local- and national- level policymakers in Colombia, Honduras, Costa Rica and Guatemala to promote uptake of gender considerations in their local development programs and climate-change mitigation policies. Presently, I am working with the World Bank and Canada Caribbean Resilience Fund to support Caribbean countries with gender mainstreaming in disaster risk management activities.
Murphy, S., Arora, D., Kruijssen, F., McDougall, C. & Kantor, P. 2020. “Gender-based market constraints to informal fish retailing: Evidence from analysis of variance & linear regression.” PLOS One, 15(3).
Arora, D. & Rada, C. 2020. “Gender norms and intra-household allocation of labor in Mozambique: a CGE application to household and agricultural economics.“ Agricultural Economics, 51(2): 259-272.
Gumucio, T., Arora, D., Twyman, J., Tickamyer, A. & Clavijo, M. 2019. “Gender equality and tress on farms: Considerations for implementation of climate smart agriculture.” In: Sachs, C. (ed), Gender, agriculture and agrarian transformation. Routledge.
Arora, D. & Rada, C. 2017. “A gendered model of the peasant household: Time-poverty and farm production in rural Mozambique.” Feminist Economics, 23(2): 93-119.
Chirinda, N., Arenas, L., Loaiza, S., Arora, D. & et al. 2017. “Novel technological and management options for accelerating transformational changes in rice and livestock systems.” Sustainability, 9:1-16.
Arora, D. 2015. “Gender differences in time poverty in rural Mozambique.” Review of Social Economy, 73(2):196-221.
Arora, D. 2014. “Review of The Women, Gender and Development Reader, by N. Visvanathan, L. Duggan, L. Nisonoff & N. Wiegersma.” Review of Radical Political Economics, 46(4): 560-563.
Working papers & Policy briefs
Arora, D., Braunstein,E. & Seguino, S. 2019. "A macro–micro analysis of gender segregation and job quality in Latin America." WIDER Working Paper. 2021/86. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER.
Arora, D. & Garcia, A. 2019. "Use of choice experiments in gendered participatory breeding & varietal selection of biofortified rice in Bolivar, Colombia." CIAT Info Note. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT): Cali, Colombia.
Arora, D. 2019. "Extreme weather events (drought) and its impact on assets, livelihoods and gender roles Case study of small-scale livestock herders in Cauca, Colombia." CCAFS Activity Report. Climate Change, Agriculture and Food security (CCAFS) program of CGIAR: Copenhagen, Denmark.
Consenza, E., Talsma, E., Arora, D., et al. 2019. "Nutritional status of adults and children under 5 years of age in two areas of Guatemala Project results for ‘His and Hers, time and income: how intra-household dynamics impact nutrition in agricultural households’." CIAT Info Note. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT): Cali, Colombia.
Howland, F., Arora, D. & Bonilla-Findji, O. 2019. "Methodological development and piloting: Typological and socio-economic analysis of enabling and constraining factor to CSA adoption and related gender sensitive outcomes." CCAFS Activity Report. Climate Change, Agriculture and Food security (CCAFS) program of CGIAR: Copenhagen, Denmark
Arora, D. & Twyman, J. 2018. "Gender roles among small-scale livestock producers in Costa Rica." CCAFS Info Note. Climate Change, Agriculture and Food security (CCAFS) program of CGIAR: Copenhagen, Denmark
Twyman, J., Arora, D., Muriel, J. & Acosta, M. 2018. "Understanding intra-household decision-making processes for agricultural development projects." CCAFS Info Note. Climate Change, Agriculture and Food security (CCAFS) program of CGIAR: Copenhagen, Denmark.
Arora, D., Arango, J., Burkat, S., Chirinda, N. & Twyman, J. 2017. "Gender [im]balance in productive and reproductive labor among livestock producers in Colombia: Implications for climate change response." CCAFS Info Note. Climate Change, Agriculture and Food security (CCAFS) program of CGIAR: Copenhagen, Denmark.
Econ 211: Gender in the Economy