College of Liberal Arts NTTF Advisory Committee – Group B
Meeting Minutes
March 20, 2023
Item | Type of Action | Decision Required |
A. NTTF Advisory Committee Election Results | Info-Sharing | No |
B. Approval of Minutes from Meeting on 2/20/2023 | N/A | N/A |
C. Confusion about the Promotion Process | Discussion | No |
D. Professional Development | Discussion | No |
E. Clark Remodel Feedback | Discussion | No |
F. Other items / Updates | Discussion | No |
E. Wrap up meeting and Adjourn | N/A | N/A |
Present were: Frankie Wilcox, Ellie Light, Thomas Conway, Jonathan Carlyon, Sadie Kinney-McGrath, Ashlee Allen
Meeting notes:
A. NTTF Advisory Committee Election Results: Sadie informed the committee that the results of the NTTF Advisory Committee election have been finalized. The following faculty will join our committee starting in the fall of 2023: Megan Lanz (Arts Representative from SMTD), Emily S. Wilson (Social Sciences Representative from ANTH/GR), and Niroj Bhattarai (Social Science Representative from ECON). These new members will be invited to the final CLA NTTF Advisory Committee meeting of the spring semester.
B. Approval of Minutes from meeting on 2/20/23
Postponed due to absence of a quorum.
C. Confusion about the Promotion Process
A meeting was held today, 3/20, for CCF who are eligible to go up for promotion next year. It was attended by approximately 17 eligible faculty. Ellie explained that there is still some confusion surrounding eligibility of faculty members whose course loads include online classes, which are paid per student rather than by section. Discussions ongoing.
D. Professional Development
No update to discuss at this time.
E. Clark Building Remodel Feedback
Due to the fact that we do not have full committee attendance today, Ellie will send out a short survey for feedback on the Clark remodel. The questions in the survey will be 1) What considerations would you suggest that the design firm take into account for non-tenure track faculty in the Clark remodel? And 2) What considerations would you suggest that the design firm take into account for students in the Clark remodel?
F. Other items: CoNTFF Update
Tom Conway provided a brief update on the Workload Equity Task Force Committee. They are offering listening sessions in which they ask departments what tools they use that they find successful (to address equity).
Other items: Contracts (Increase from 3 to 5 year limit)
At this point, there is no update on the State-level push for 5-year contracts. On the topic of contracts, the Faculty Manual stipulates that CSU can offer CCF up to 5-year contracts, but to this point this has conflicted with Colorado law. Some discussions are also being held around the possibility of linking contracts to promotions, but there would need to be a review process in place, not unlike the midpoint review for tenure track faculty.
G. Wrap up meeting and adjourn
Minutes respectfully submitted by Ashlee Allen