College of Liberal Arts NTTF Advisory Committee – Group B
Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2023
Item | Type of Action | Decision Required |
A. CLA CCAF AC Seats & Dean’s Office | Announcements | No |
B. CoNTTF Report | Info-Sharing | No |
C. Summer Teaching | Discussion | No |
D. Open Topics – Questions, other issues to discuss | N/A | N/A |
E. Wrap-Up Meeting & Adjourn | N/A | N/A |
A. CLA CCAF AC Seats & Dean’s Office
Luciana is rotating out of the committee but there won’t be an election for her spot. While it is not clear what happened, the MOO states that there should be 4 humanities representatives, and there were 5 in the last year.
Tom said this could be an issue because there will not be any English representatives for the upcoming year. An English representative is important because of the size of CCAF population and the things English does tend to set precedent to the whole college.
In addition, the humanities representatives will be on the same rotation now, which is not supposed to happen – it should be staggered
There was a question on what happened that the committee ended up having 5 representatives last year. Changes worked between Ellie and Sadie could have been unilateral? Sadie said she would work with Ellie to figure out what happened. (Note: later between Tom, Luciana and Ellie it was clarified that there was a vote last Spring to keep the number of humanities representatives capped at 4).
Meanwhile, Tom will serve on CoNTFF for the next year, so he could double duty and bring information from English, but is that possible?
B. CoNTTF Update: Tom Conway
Tom reports that Margaret will go to the second meeting in his stead.
CoNTFF will do a service audit, similar to code audits done in CLA last year, but for service
Ongoing contract issue, to make them more available, consistent, stronger. There is a taskforce out of Faculty Council. Tom shared report last Friday.
Activism around the Colorado senate bills, to increase contract offers from 3-5 years
- Frankie asked how the bill will help with contracts when there’s so much problem with even getting contract
- The whole budget model has to change, including the FTE
Finally, there is the workload equity task force university wide for CCAF and TTF. The goal is to investigate the structures in place for when faculty reports workload equity issues
- It’s difficult to work through leadership in departments because they say there’s no inequity
C. Summer Teaching
Inequitable process of summer teaching
- Generally, tenure-track faculty are offered first, then CCAF are offered classes, usually based on seniority
LLC - Frankie said that usually those who want to teach it, and TT tends to pass
English: Request in august, too early?
- Seniority plays strong in assignments, so that the same senior CCAF always teach in the summer
- Is this a problem of privilege?
- Luciana will ask around if CCAF don’t get assignments for summer
- Daniela said that seniority plays a part, but there are enough classes that everybody who wants to teach a class gets it
- Enough sections and enough people pass
Given our discussion, we did not understand what the issue is. In what department is this an issue? Is it related to online teaching? Someone who wants to teach online but can’t get it?
E. Wrap up and Adjourn
Minutes respectfully submitted by Luciana Marques