College of Liberal Arts NTTF Advisory Committee – Group B
Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2023
Present were: Ellie Light, Frankie Wilcox, Luciana Marques, Daniela Castillo, Thomas Conway, Ashlee Allen
Item | Type of Action | Decision Required |
A. Professorial Track and Titles | Info-Sharing & Discussion | No |
B. Other Items | Info-Sharing | No |
C. CoNTTF Update: Tom Conway | Info-Sharing | No |
D. Wrap-Up and Adjourn | N/A | N/A |
A. Professorial Track and Titles: Info-Sharing and Discussion
Ellie provided a brief review of position types. Adjunct appointments are for those who teach less than 50% or are temporary faculty. Continuing is understood to be an on-going appointment for those who teach more than 50% for a period of time, and are considered “at-will” appointments. Contracts are currently limited to no more than 3 years per state law. Contract appointments need to be in writing, and if terminated early for any reason, the contract faculty member moves to a continuing appointment.
Ellie shared with the group an overview of her research into how the types of appointments appear in university, department, and college-level codes. She highlighted that in University code, it states that a person with a continuing appointment can be given serious consideration to move to a contract. Department codes vary greatly, and College code states that contracts with non-teaching duties in addition to teaching (administrative work, for example), can be eligible for coursebuy-outs.
Regarding tracks – a Senior or Master Instructor rank can progress into (apply for) teaching professor tracks (Assistant Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, Full Teaching Professor), but only if the faculty member has a terminal degree (PhD).
B. Other Items
CCAF who have questions about any salary increase that they may receive due to the recent salary compression adjustment, should speak with their department head/chair.
C. CoNTTF Update: Tom Conway
At the time of this committee meeting, CoNTFF had not yet met this semester. Due to scheduling conflicts, Tom will not be able to attend CoNTTF meetings this semester.
D. Wrap up and Adjourn
Minutes respectfully submitted by Ashlee Allen