College of Liberal Arts NTTF Advisory Committee – Group A
Meeting Minutes
November 28, 2022
Present were: Thomas Conway, Debbie Swann, Annie Krieg, Ashlee Allen, Ellie Light, Gina Robinson, Aaunterria Bollinger, Jonathan Carlyon
Meeting Agenda
Item | Type of Action | Decision Required |
A. Ellie Light: Mentoring Toolkit | Info-Sharing | No |
B. Tom Conway: CoNTTF Update | I Info-Sharing | No |
C. Planning for Service Presentation in December | I Discussion | Yes |
D. Wrap-Up and Adjourn | NA | NA |
A. Approval of October Minutes
Motion to approve last month’s minutes – approved.
B. Mentoring Toolkit: Ellie Light
The Mentoring Toolkit will enable us to implement a mentoring program at the college level and help individual departments create mentoring programs. These programs will provide support for onboarding, teaching as needed, and promotion. Regarding the promotion mentoring process for CCAF, this should begin long before a faculty member goes up for promotion, similar to the mentoring process available to TTF. Members of this committee have been asked to reach out to our departments and colleagues to look into the level of interest of departments in this type of mentoring support. The Mentoring Toolkit highlights the benefits of mentoring for all involved, including CCAF Mentees and Mentors, Students, College, Departments, Chairs and Directors. This Mentoring Toolkit is also meant to be adapted and changed depending on individual department needs. Tom Conway highlighted some of the resources of the Toolkit, including documents that serve as checklists and goals, for both on-boarding and promotion processes. The Mentoring Toolkit and Service Toolkit will be presented to the Dean at our end-of-year meeting on Wednesday, December 14.
C. CoNTTF Update: Tom Conway
Tom provided the committee with a recap of Campus Equity Week – there was good attendance at the forum on contract and continuing appointments, and the presentation slides are available on the CoNTFF website along with a flier that outlines the differences between different types of appointments. Tom also gave updates on two task forces. First, the Contract Task Force had surveyed CCAF faculty and found that CCAF members see the value that contracts signify, yet there is still some confusion around contracts in terms of clarity and transparency. Secondly, the Workload Equity Taskforce is working on tools available to chairs to address workload issues in their units, and clarifying workload and equity definitions.
D. Planning for Service Presentation in December
Both CLA NTTF Advisory subcommittees will present to the Dean on Wednesday, December 14. The present committee discussed the length of the service portion of the presentation (approximately 10 minutes), as well as the content and organization. The committee discussed and agreed to collaborate on the presentation, aided by a PowerPoint
E. Wrap up and Adjourn
Minutes respectfully submitted by Ashlee Allen