College of Liberal Arts NTTF Advisory Committee – Group A
Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2022
10 – 11 a.m.
Present were: Thomas Conway, Debbie Swann, Jamie Switzer, Gina Robinson, Jonathan Carlyon, Annie Krieg, Ashlee Allen, Aaunterria Bollinger, Sadie Kinney-McGrath, Ellie Light.
A. Welcome
Annie welcomed everyone – introductions of committee members
B. Tom reported about CONTFF and Equity Task Force
The goal of CONTFF this year is to look at/research contract and continuing appointments – create a task force – prepare a report and present it to Dean Wither. Also the equity task force is looking at giving resources to the CLA departments to access. Do we need outside experts to come in and help with this or can we do this ourselves.
Equity week – this week – see listed events
—- working on inversion issues – the inversion delegation prepped to meet with Provost to discuss inversion issue – they met with her and she was very receptive – they are going to remedy those affected by the inversion by Jan 2023.
C. Service Rubric
Ellie led the discussion – She prepared a CCAF Service Guidelines for Equitable Service DRAFT – eventually they will provide a final draft to Dean Withers as a recommendation from our committee
Ellie went over the document and explained all parts – We then discussed more things that could be added to service items
Suggestions were: Thesis advising/committees, mural committees, maybe a service bank, grant applications
The document will be broad enough for departments to adopt parts of it, all of it or none of it – just to provide guidelines
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sadie Kinney-McGrath