Graduate Project Assistant for CYCLES / Doctoral Student



Stephanie Train received a B.A. in Literature/Creative writing from the University of Colorado at Denver, an M.F.A. in Fiction and a M.Ed. in Adult Education from Colorado State University. She is a current Ph.D. student in CSU's Journalism and Technical Communications program where she is studying how communication technology impacted the 2015 Hugo Award nominations and how people respond to (and spread information) during highly-charged controversies in a digital setting. This research will blend her background in narrative with new digital communications.


She has worked with Dr. Martey on the CYCLES team, focusing on video games and how they contribute to learning transfer/retention.


Stephanie also writes science-fiction, fantasy, and literary fiction, though dabbles from time to time in other genres. Her fictional and lyrical nonfiction work can be found in The Berkeley Fiction Review & The Copper Nickel. She also wrote freelance for White Wolf Publications on tabletop games, and, had creative works featured in the MMORPG video game, Everquest.


She has also spent time in outreach, teaching inmates at the Larimer County Detention Center how to write fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction.


  • JTC 300: Professional & Technical Communication


    The objective of this course is to improve your ability to implement basic strategies of written, technical, and oral communication for specialized purposes, contexts, and media. JTC 300 will focus on the skills necessary to successfully enter and thrive in the professional workforce.